“Axe Grabbers” Expedition Update - May 13, 2024

On May 7, 2024 we flew Ben Luedtke and Ross Hill expedition name, “Axe Grabbers” to Kahiltna Basecamp with goals to spend 30 days in the Alaska Range attempting climbs on Hunter (Begguya), Foraker (Sultana) and Denali.

May 13:

“We attempted to start up the west ridge of Hunter (Begguya) today with weather window at hand, but unfortunately, we were turned around at the base of the climb due to an unstable snowpack. Back at basecamp making plans to move camp out towards the base of Hunter (Begguya) and Foraker (Sultana) to help us try again soon and give us better access to a weather window on the French Ridge of Foraker (Sultana).”

Follow along for more updates on this expedition.


“Axe Grabbers” Expedition Update - May 16, 2024


“Axe Grabbers” Expedition of Ben Luedtke & Ross Hill