“Axe Grabbers” Expedition Update - May 30, 2024

On May 7, 2024 we flew Ben Luedtke and Ross Hill expedition name, “Axe Grabbers” to Kahiltna Basecamp with goals to spend 30 days in the Alaska Range attempting climbs on Hunter (Begguya), Foraker (Sultana) and Denali.

May 30:

“Good morning! We are well, we did not make it on Foraker (Sultana), we moved to West Buttress route and are currently at Camp 2. We were able to make it onto part of our ridge climb 2 days ago. We climbed from Camp 1 up the ridge and over Kahiltna Dome to Kahiltna Pass. Got almost a foot of snow here at 11,000ft last night. Came up to ski in the area. Gonna make our way back to basecamp with limited time left to give Hunter (Begguya) a go, and climb Bacon and Eggs on mini-moonflower.”

Follow along for more updates on this expedition.


“Axe Grabbers” Expedition Update - June 2, 2024


“Axe Grabbers” Expedition Update - May 24, 2024